Fashion & Lifestyle Store For Women & Kids

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A Kasha Foundation Initiative

In addition to an environment awareness drive we aim to engage young volunteers to teach additional skills and DIY crafts to our young upcoming artisans and many others from the community.

Production process in garment manufacturing sees a lot of waste in terms of fabric, stitching material, fixtures and embellishments etc. We use such production waste to create beautiful pieces. Restore your old Abaya by our ready to fix embroidered patches and give them renewed life. Stay safe and trendy with our masks and scrunchies under Kasha foundation initiative.

Proceeds of “Best out of Waste” crafts will directly go to the artisans, making them
self reliant, confident and making their own ends meet while safeguarding their self esteem.
Every penny counts and your small purchases will transform their lives as sellers.
We encourage you to participate with us in this novel cause.